The registration site has opened. If you already have an ID for submitting abstract, please use the same ID.
Notification of acceptance (oral or poster) was sent on 3/10. If you have not received it, please check your mailbox or contact the secretariat at tocat9@catsj.jp.
The executive committee has decided to hold the conference in a hybrid mode of face-to-face and virtual.
Abstract submissions were closed on November 30. However, we are still accepting applications for poster presentations until April 15, 2022.
Information: October 27, 5 to 8 am (JST). This site will be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance.
At this time, we are preparing for a face-to-face meeting, but depending on the status of COVID-19 infection, we may consider holding a hybrid or virtual meeting. We plan to announce the format around the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022.
The second circular has been released.
TOCAT9_Second Circular