Keynote lecture

Prof. Can Li (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)

Prof. Can Li 

"Artificial Photosynthesis for Solar Fuel Production: Fundamental and Application"

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor Can Li received his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a cooperation program with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 1989, and he joined the same institute and was promoted to full professor in 1993. He did postdoctoral research at Northwestern University USA and was visiting professor at Lehigh University, the University of Liverpool, and The Queensland University, and he was awarded the JSPS Professor at Waseda University, Tokyo University of Technology, and Hokkaido University. He was an invited professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI., and the honorary professor of Queensland University, Australia and Baptist University, Hong Kong.

He was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003, a member of the Academy of Science for Developing Countries (TWAS) in 2005, a foreign member of Academia European in 2008, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2008. He was the President of the International Association of Catalysis Societies (2008-2012) and the president of the Asia-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (2013-2017). Currently, he is the chairman of Catalysis Society of China, Dean of Materials and Chemical School of USTC, and the director of the Solar Energy Division, DICP, CAS. He was been appointed to the director leading a national program on fundamental research center of “artificial photosynthesis” by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Among the prestigious awards and honors recognizing his research include International Catalysis Award, the National Natural Science Prize of China, National Catalysis Award of China, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize (Hong Kong), National Petrochemical Prize, National Outstanding Scientist Award, Japanese Photochemistry Association Elsevier Lectureship Award, Achievement Award in Spectrum of China, the Advance of Catalysis Award of the Asian-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies and Mission Innovation Champions, etc.

His research interests span spectroscopic characterization of catalysts and catalytic reactions, environmental catalysis, heterogeneous chiral catalysis. Over last 20 years, his research has focused on photocatalytic, photoelectrocatalytic and electrolysis water splitting and CO2 reduction utilizing renewable energy (including solar, wind and hydro energy). He is the Editor-in-Chiefs of Chinese Journal of Catalysis, and an associate editor of Chemical Communication, and serves as editorial members of a dozen international journals. He has more than 800 peer-reviewed papers with over 32000 citations, ~90 granted patents and over 100 plenary and keynote lectures at international conferences.

-Keynote lecture

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