Prof. Rong Xu (Nanyang Technological University)
Prof. Rong Xu "Flame-Made Catalysts, Opportunities and Challenges" (tentative) Nanyang Technological University Rong Xu received her Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from National University of Singapore. She joined Nanyang Technological University (NTU) as an Assistant Professor in 2004 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2010 and Full Professor in 2017. Her lab has actively worked in the field of photo/electro-catalysis for energy and environmental applications, leading to publications in top tier journals including Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Materials, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Science Advances, ACS Catalysis, ACS Nano, Chemical Society Review, ...
Prof. Xinchen Wang (Fuzhou University)
Prof. Xinchen Wang "Carbon nitride photocatalysts for overall water splitting" Fuzhou University Prof. Xinchen Wang is the vice president of Fuzhou University, P.R. China, and the director of the State Key Laboratory of Photocatalysis on Energy and Environment at Fuzhou University. He received his PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005, and moved to Tokyo University as a JSPS post-doctor in 2006. In 2007, he worked at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow, and appointed as a group leader in 2008-2012. He was the Fellow of The Royal ...
Prof. Christophe Copéret (ETH Zürich)
Prof. Christophe Copéret "Bridging the gap between well-defined and industrial catalysts via a molecular approach" ETH Zürich Prof. Christophe Copéret (CCH) was trained in chemistry and chemical engineering at CPE Lyon, France, and carried out a PhD in chemistry with Prof. E.i. Negishi (Purdue University, USA – 1991-1996), where he investigated the synthesis of complex molecules via Pd-catalyzed carbonylation reactions. After a postdoctoral stay with Prof. K.B. Sharpless (Scripps), CCH was offered a research position at CNRS in 1998 and was promoted CNRS Research Director in 2008. Since 2010, CCH is Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ...
Prof. Javier Pérez Ramírez (ETH Zürich)
Prof. Javier Pérez Ramírez "Advancing catalysis via nanoscale engineering" Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich Javier Pérez-Ramírez studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Alicante and received his PhD degree at Delft University of Technology in 2002. Following a period in industry at Norsk Hydro and Yara International (2002-2005), he joined the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia as an ICREA Professor before being appointed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich as the Professor of Catalysis Engineering in 2010. Since 2019, he is Isaac Manasseh Meyer Chair Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore and ...
Dr. Jennifer Holmgren (LanzaTech)
Dr. Jennifer Holmgren "Biocatalysts to Widen the Feedstock Pool" CEO, LanzaTech Dr. Jennifer Holmgren is CEO of revolutionary carbon recycling company, LanzaTech. Prior to LanzaTech, Jennifer was VP and General Manager of the Renewable Energy and Chemicals business unit at UOP LLC, a Honeywell Company. Under her management, UOP technology became instrumental in producing nearly all of the initial fuels used by commercial airlines and the military for testing and certification of alternative aviation fuel. Today, under Jennifer’s guidance, LanzaTech is working towards deploying carbon capture and reuse facilities globally to make fuels and chemicals from waste carbon. In 2015, ...
Prof. Adam Z. Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Prof. Adam Z. Weber "Controlling reactivity for electrochemical reduction through mass transport and charged polymer overlayers." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Adam Z. Weber holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tufts University, and a Ph.D. at University of California, Berkeley in chemical engineering under the guidance of John Newman. Dr. Weber is a Senior Scientist and Leader of the Energy-Conversion at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, co-Director of the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium and co-Deputy Director of HydroGen consortium. His current research involves understanding and optimizing fuel-cell and electrolyzer performance and lifetime including component and ionomer structure/function studies using advanced ...
Prof. Ye Wang (Xiamen University)
Prof. Ye Wang "Controlling Reaction Routes and Product Selectivity in C1 Chemistry" College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Professor Ye Wang obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1996 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. He worked at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tohoku University and Hiroshima University during 1996-2000 and was promoted to Associate Professor at Hiroshima University in 2001. He became a full Professor of Xiamen University in the August of 2001 and is currently the director of State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces. He serves as Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis and Council Member of International ...
Prof. Keiichi Tomishige (Tohoku University)
Prof. Keiichi Tomishige "Non-reductive CO2 conversion to carbonates, carbamates, and ureas catalyzed by CeO2 under low CO2 pressure" Tohoku University Keiichi Tomishige received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo with Prof. Y. Iwasawa. During his Ph.D. course in 1994, he moved to Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo as a research associate and worked with Prof. K. Fujimoto. In 1998, he became a lecturer, and then he moved to Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba as a lecturer in 2001. Since 2004 he has been an ...
Prof. Yasushi Sekine (Waseda University)
Prof. Yasushi Sekine "Low temperature catalysis by surface protonics" Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University Current Position Associate Dean, Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University Professor, Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University Award 2021 Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) 2020 The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Prizes for Science and Technology 2019 The Chemical Society of Japan; Award for Creative Work for 2018 Working Experience 2018- Research Supervisor of JST-PRESTO 2017- Principal Editor of FUEL (Elsevier) 2012- Professor, Faculty ...
Prof. Susannah Scott (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Prof. Susannah Scott "Valorization of polyolefins via catalytic upcycling" (tentative) Chemical Engineering, Chemistry & Biochemistry, UC Santa Barbara Prof. Scott received her Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from Iowa State University, under the direction of Jim Espenson and Andreja Bakac, for her work on the activation of O2 and transition metal-catalyzed oxidation mechanisms. She was a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow with Jean-Marie Basset at the Institut de recherches sur la catalyse (CNRS) in Lyon, France, before joining the faculty of the University of Ottawa (Canada) where she was named a Canada Research Chair. In 2003, she moved to the University of California, ...